Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte announces retirement from politics

Rodrigo Duterte said he was responding to the public The President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has announced he is retiring from politics, amid speculation he was clearing the way for his daughter to run to succeed him. Key points: Rodrigo Duterte's vice-presidential run would have been challenged on constitutional grounds by his opponents He said his decision not to run was in response to the public's wishes The International Criminal Court is currently investigating killings by Mr Duterte's administration after he took power Mr Duterte had earlier announced plans to run for the vice-president role in the 2022 elections, but has now backed out. He made the sudden announcement on Saturday after accompanying his former longtime aide, Senator Bong Go, who instead filed his own candidacy for the vice-presidency at a Commission on Elections centre. Philippine presidents are limited by the constitution to a single, six-year term and opponents had said they would question the legality of Mr Duterte's announced vice-presidential run before the Supreme Court. He said his decision not to run was in response to the public's wishes.
The International Criminal Court is investigating allegations of crimes against humanity during Rodrigo Duterte's bloody "war on drugs".(Reuters: Eloisa Lopez) Political observers had long suspected Mr Duterte could spring a surprise, such as a presidential run by his daughter, Sara Duterte-Carpio, next year. Ms Duterte-Carpio, who replaced her father as mayor of Davao, said last month she was not running for higher office next year because she and her father had agreed only one of them would run for national office in 2022. The older Duterte's decision not to join the race would clear her way. Candidates have until Friday to register, but withdrawals and substitutions are allowed until November 15, leaving scope for last-minute changes of heart, like the 11th-hour entry of Mr Duterte himself for the 2016 election, which he won by a huge margin. Mr Duterte took office in 2016 and launched a crackdown on illegal drugs that left more than 6,000 mostly petty suspects dead and alarmed Western governments and human rights groups. The International Criminal Court is investigating the killings.
